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Custom Software Solutions

Tablet iOS / Andriod

Mobile User Apps

Making it mobile keeps it easy for employees on the go to get the data they need and collect the data you need. If your employees are on the go, your systems should be too.

Program Code

Custom Software

Completely custom software may be needed to keep your business going on your unique processes. We've built programs for agriculture, construction, and manufacturing as well as other businesses.

Puzzle Piece

3rd Party Integrations

Working with accounting and ERP systems to complete your data flow, we can provide what they are unable or unwilling to create, such as advanced Import / Export functions and data convertors.

Cloud Hosting

Hosted Solutions

Our hosted apps are built based on needs from a ranging user base with common interests and needs. This range includes Timecards, PO tracking, Projection and Inventory management.

Database Solutions

Database Design

Database Architect is not just a cool name, but someone you need to make sure your data is stored correctly. With the correct data layout your application can scale without redesign.

Building Blocks

Design Built Programs

Taking projects from start to finish, we work with you to find what is needed to draft the plans and budget for each project, agree to a timeframe and ensure a release on time.

Layout Design

Wireframing & Flow

User flow and layout are an important part of application design. Our process focuses on the functions that users need to complete the tasks on hand.


Data Conversions

Separate data structures within the software you use create unneeded work and review to ensure everything is in sync. We build programs to sync systems and handle the importing and exporting of data.

Software Fork

Release Management

Managing program releases and upgrades can avoid downtime and unexpected user training. We use internal revision control to track software releases and patches.

We would love to hear about your real problems and solve them with our custom software.